ACR / MUSHRA Test Interface


ACR / MUSHRA Test Interface is a useful tool to perform subjective audio and/or video quality testing.


Since quality is a subjective notion, subjective tests with human observers (or human listeners for audio) are the most precise way to measure quality. These tests require a special protocol to collect the votes of the observers (or listeners for audio), like:

  • ACR (Absolute Category Rating) for subjective video quality assessment
  • MUSHRA (MUltiple Stimuli with Hidden Reference and Anchor) for subjective audio quality assessment

ACR tests

Therefore, special software must be used to present the video files to the observers (or the audio files to the listeners) and collect their votes. That's the goal of ACR Test Interface which enables to:

  • Load and sort lists of video and/or audio files
  • Play video files in a window, in full screen mode or on a selectable device (video rendering card)
  • Play audio files on a selectable device (audio card)
  • Collect observers votes on a scale that you?ll define
  • Save observers votes in text and/or data files
  • Compute the mean subjective quality scores: MOS (Mean Opinion Score) and DMOS (Differential Mean Opinion Score)

MUSHRA tests

During MUSHRA tests, a human listener can compare up to 9 audio samples (for example: 1 reference version and up to 8 distorted versions).


ACR / MUSHRA Test Interface enables to use the multimedia devices installed on your PC (like video rendering cards and audio rendering cards).


ACR / MUSHRA Test Interface cuts cost of subjective testing: instead of using a dedicated hardware & software solution which is often expensive, ACR / MUSHRA Test Interface is a software only solution that enables you to use normal PCs. Note: A PC with RAID storage is advised to play uncompressed videos, especially for HD videos.